• 目錄




    (1.太原工業學院 材料工程系,山西 太原  030008;
    2.北京東方雨虹民用建材有限責任公司,北京  100176)
        摘要:采用丙烯酸酯單體對硅氧烷進行共聚改性作為活性物質,制備無機滲透結晶防水涂料。研究了合成改性硅氧烷的工藝條件及改性硅氧烷摻量對制得的滲透結晶防水涂料的力學、抗滲和抗碳化性的影響;并采用掃描電鏡(SEM)和全自動壓汞儀(MIP)對摻改性硅氧烷滲透結晶防水材料混凝土的微觀結構進行分析。結果顯示,改性硅氧烷滲透結晶防水涂料能細化混凝土的孔徑分布,顯著提高混凝土的抗滲和抗碳化性能。當改性硅氧烷摻量為4%時,混凝土最可能幾率孔徑僅為83.1 nm,28 d碳化深度下降了近40%。
        中圖分類號:TU56+1.65        文獻標識碼:A        文章編號:1001-702X(2020)11-0045-04
    Preparation and properties of modified siloxane permeable crystalline waterproofing coatings
    TAN Junhua1,MU Tianshu2,PENG Junhui1,NI Bo1,ZHU Kaijin1
    (1.School of Material Engineering,Taiyuan Institute of Technology,Taiyuan 030008,China;
    2.Beijing Oriental Yuhong Civil Building Materials CO. Ltd.,Beijing 100176,China)
        Abstract:Acrylate was copolymerized with siloxane as an active substance to prepare permeable crystalline waterproofing coatings. The effects of the process conditions of the synthesis of modified siloxane and the content of modified siloxane on the mechanical,impermeable and anti-carbonization properties of the prepared permeable crystalline waterproofing coating were studied. The microstructure of concrete mixed with modified siloxane permeable crystalline waterproofing coatings was analyzed and characterized with SEM and MIP. The results showed that modified siloxane permeated crystalline waterproof coatings can refine the pore size distribution of concrete and significantly improve the impermeability and carbonation resistance of concrete. When the content of modified siloxane was 4%,the most likely pore size of concrete was only 83.1 nm,and the carbonation depth of 28 d decreased by nearly 40%.
        Key words:permeable crystalline waterproofing coatings,modified siloxane,anti-carbonization,pore size distribution